In this adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, the theatre continues working together with Anton Pimonov, a brilliant young ballet master who has already cooperated with the Yakobson Ballet Theatre to stage two ballets, Iberia and In the Rhythm of Dreams, both of which were featured in the Faces of Modern Choreography programme.
Given the dramatic complexity of Shakespeare's masterful tragedy, the theatre decided to extend an invitation to the famous director Igor Konyaev, who has been honoured by the Russian Federation National Award and the Golden Mask and Golden Soffit theatre awards. Mr. Konyaev was happy to accept the offer, and has joined the project as the director of production and the librettist.
The premise of the classical production, by Sergey Prokofiev, Sergey Radlov, and Leonid Lavrovsky, has been altered, and the tragedy now takes place in the theatre world, where a behind-the-scenes feud rages on between two actor dynasties.
The ballet focuses on the clash between the classical and modern style, between tradition and innovation, between the search for a fresh new outlook and the desire to keep perfecting the set standards; it unfolds a conflict stemming from love, and a struggle between ideas and egos.
The audience witnesses the rivalry between two theatre companies — the Capulet Classic Ballet Theatre and the Montague Modern Dance Theatre. The use of latest technology allows every element of the ballet's set to perform a large variety of diverse functions.
The art direction of the ballet has been entrusted to Vyacheslav Okunev, People's Artist of Russia and winner of the Golden Mask and Golden Soffit theatre awards; while the stage lighting has been designed by Evgeny Ganzburg, Honoured Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation.
The production premièred on December 19 and 20, at the Russian State Academic Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre.
The Theatre would like to express its gratitude to Mr Toshihiko Takahashi for his support in creating the production.